Chiara Relandini

Chiara Relandini

Computer Engineer

Interested in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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Master in Computer Engineering

I'm currently enrolled in a Master of Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. I'm mostly interested in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning topics.

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HouseOnFire (HOF) is a system to manage and completely support the owner that wants to organize a party at home. It offers a user interface through its mobile application (HOF-App), where all guests can insert their favorite songs. The owner special user interface allows him or her to continuously check the party status, such as the music being played in each room and the loudness being kept under the maximum threshold.

The Batcar

Project of a self driving car at Politecnico di Torino, for the Computer Architecture course. We programmed a FPGA using the VHDL language, designed and printed the car chassis using a 3D printer, then assembled the engine, the sensors and the wheels and finally tested the logic that makes the car explore a room and find a safe place to rest.

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Native Italian

English C1

2014 - Certificate of Advanced English (CAE), Cambridge

Spanish C1

2018 - DELE level C1.

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