Academic Projects

Academic Projects

Turin, Madrid and Milan

The Batcar

Project of a self driving car at Politecnico di Torino, for the Computer Architecture course. We programmed a FPGA using the VHDL language, designed and printed the car chassis using a 3D printer, then assembled the engine, the sensors and the wheels and finally tested the logic that makes the car explore a room and find a safe place to rest.


HouseOnFire (HOF) is a system to manage and completely support the owner that wants to organize a party at home. It offers a user interface through its mobile application (HOF-App), where all guests can insert their favorite songs. The owner special user interface allows him or her to continuously check the party status, such as the music being played in each room and the loudness being kept under the maximum threshold.

Java Chat App

Two Java projects which allow sending messages among several client applications, supervised by the chat server. The first one exploits the messaging broker Apache ActiveMQ and is based on JMS Topic Architecture, whereas the second one is based on Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and callback mechanisms. Data persistence and actualization is ensured by a MariaDB database.

Java-Script Language Processor

A project for UPM, working as a language processor for Java-Script. Developed through the tools: flex, to produce the lexical analyzer, and bison, to produce the syntactic and semantic analyzers.

MakeApp - HCI

The development of an application for make up supporting, by focusing on the guidelines of Human-Computer Interaction. Group Project creating ah high fidelity prototype of the application trough iterative evaluations centred on the user experience.


A project for the course of Software Engineering developing a system for health care and sharing of information among individual users and third parties. It consists in the development of the first two phases of any Sw Engineering project: the Requirement analysis (RASD) and the Design document.

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